Beta Comments -What do they say? Do they say things? Let’s Find Out.

This round of feedback was a bit more challenging than last time, as everyone’s projects were far more refined and had a firmer grasp on subject concepts like persona. However, this worked to my advantage, as I was able to contrast what they had written with my own work to see what I was doingContinue reading “Beta Comments -What do they say? Do they say things? Let’s Find Out.”

BCM241 – Streaming Beta

The autoethnographic approach I’ve taken is participant observation, taking notes as I develop my persona and watch others perform, and then using this research to develop my own project (Merrium & Tisdel 2016). This has been a great method, as I’ve been able to adapt my DA as I witness new things, and the typesContinue reading “BCM241 – Streaming Beta”

BCM215 Beta – Old V NewScape

The analytical framework that I presented in week 2 has held up really well, and I haven’t had to make any modifications to it. This probably comes down to me already being very familiar with the game, so I knew how the aspects of my framework would play into the content and conversation surrounding it.Continue reading “BCM215 Beta – Old V NewScape”

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